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2004 Emergent Theological Conversation

Author Emergent Village & Walter Brueggemann
Narrator Brueggemann, Jones, Johnson, Stroup, Douglas
Publisher christianaudio
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Mar 4, 2006
One of America's premier biblical theologians, Walter Brueggemann is an Old Testament scholar who engages the texts of scripture with creativity and academic rigor. By taking both the reader and the texts of scripture seriously, Brueggemann radically de-centers the closed-views of the bible so that it might once-again challenge our certitudes and inspire us to confront the counterfeit hopes of this world and the imagination to act with hope that God will speak to us today. This year’s ‘theological conversation’ will dig deeply into issues of postmodernism and biblical interpretation. You need to come ready to be disoriented by this alternative world of the Bible.
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  • Description
One of America's premier biblical theologians, Walter Brueggemann is an Old Testament scholar who engages the texts of scripture with creativity and academic rigor. By taking both the reader and the texts of scripture seriously, Brueggemann radically de-centers the closed-views of the bible so that it might once-again challenge our certitudes and inspire us to confront the counterfeit hopes of this world and the imagination to act with hope that God will speak to us today. This year’s ‘theological conversation’ will dig deeply into issues of postmodernism and biblical interpretation. You need to come ready to be disoriented by this alternative world of the Bible.
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