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A Biblical Understanding of Sleep

Author C.J. Mahaney
Narrator C.J. Mahaney
Runtime 1 Hrs.
Publisher Sovereign Grace Ministries
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Jul 19, 2010
You’ve probably been tempted to fall asleep during a sermon or two, but have you ever heard an entire message on this topic? We spend roughly one-third of our lives asleep. That’s a sobering thought. Sleep is referred to many times in Scripture. This shouldn’t surprise us, because God created sleep. In this first message from a series called Sanctifying the Ordinary, C.J. Mahaney speaks to Covenant Life Church with a hope that they will go to sleep each night with a biblically informed perspective. He leads the congregation in a study of what Scripture has to say about sleep.
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  • Description
You’ve probably been tempted to fall asleep during a sermon or two, but have you ever heard an entire message on this topic? We spend roughly one-third of our lives asleep. That’s a sobering thought. Sleep is referred to many times in Scripture. This shouldn’t surprise us, because God created sleep. In this first message from a series called Sanctifying the Ordinary, C.J. Mahaney speaks to Covenant Life Church with a hope that they will go to sleep each night with a biblically informed perspective. He leads the congregation in a study of what Scripture has to say about sleep.
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