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A Life Beyond Amazing

Author Dr. David Jeremiah
Narrator Tommy Cresswell
Runtime 6.32 Hrs.
Publisher Thomas Nelson
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Oct 2, 2017

There is a way to experience a better life.

Are you ready to become the person God has called you to be?  In A Life Beyond Amazing, bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah uncovers God’s strategy for change and challenges you to make nine important decisions that will transform your heart, your life, and your world.

This life-changing book explores the nine qualities of character that carry us forward. Three of these have to do with our relationship with ourselves, three deal with interactions with other people, and three of them focus on our relationship with God.  Spiritual principles are true in any situation. But we must make a conscious decision to employ them in our daily lives.

God has given us wisdom for these days.  A Life Beyond Amazing answers the questions that keep us up at night and shows that the way forward is a reminder of who we are in Christ and why it matters.

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  • Description

There is a way to experience a better life.

Are you ready to become the person God has called you to be?  In A Life Beyond Amazing, bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah uncovers God’s strategy for change and challenges you to make nine important decisions that will transform your heart, your life, and your world.

This life-changing book explores the nine qualities of character that carry us forward. Three of these have to do with our relationship with ourselves, three deal with interactions with other people, and three of them focus on our relationship with God.  Spiritual principles are true in any situation. But we must make a conscious decision to employ them in our daily lives.

God has given us wisdom for these days.  A Life Beyond Amazing answers the questions that keep us up at night and shows that the way forward is a reminder of who we are in Christ and why it matters.

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