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A Life of Dante

Author Benedict Flynn
Narrator John Shrapnel
Runtime 1.3 Hr.
Publisher Naxos Audiobooks
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Aug 2, 2005
Dante's vision, 'The Divine Comedy', has profoundly affected every generation since it first appeared in the early 14th century. Here is a brief account of his life, compiled from various sources (including his first biographer, Boccaccio) by Benedict Flynn, whose new translation of the Comedy, on Naxos AudioBooks, read by Heathcote Williams, has been widely acclaimed. It sets the known facts of Dante's life against the turmoil of the times, and puts the very personal nature of his poetry into perspective.
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  • Description
Dante's vision, 'The Divine Comedy', has profoundly affected every generation since it first appeared in the early 14th century. Here is a brief account of his life, compiled from various sources (including his first biographer, Boccaccio) by Benedict Flynn, whose new translation of the Comedy, on Naxos AudioBooks, read by Heathcote Williams, has been widely acclaimed. It sets the known facts of Dante's life against the turmoil of the times, and puts the very personal nature of his poetry into perspective.
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