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Experiencia Viva Nuevo Testamento Con Salmos y Proverbios

Author Zondervan Bibles
Narrator Various Artists
Runtime 27.9 Hrs.
Publisher Zondervan
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Jun 23, 2012

Enjoy the New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs heard through the voices of servants, worshipers, pastors, and Bible teachers whose ministries and actions have blessed the Spanish-speaking church of the Lord. Experience the beauty, drama, tenderness, and transforming power of the Scripture in a way that you have never heard before. This historic audio production includes the voices of more than fifty of our most esteemed and well-known Hispanic Christian leaders.

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  • Description

Enjoy the New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs heard through the voices of servants, worshipers, pastors, and Bible teachers whose ministries and actions have blessed the Spanish-speaking church of the Lord. Experience the beauty, drama, tenderness, and transforming power of the Scripture in a way that you have never heard before. This historic audio production includes the voices of more than fifty of our most esteemed and well-known Hispanic Christian leaders.

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