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Faith and Culture

Author Kelly Monroe Kullberg & Lael Arrington
Narrator Tom Parks
Runtime 10.05 Hrs.
Publisher Zondervan
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date May 11, 2011
For those who want to love God with their hearts and minds, editors Kelly Monroe Kullberg and Lael Arrington weave together both inspiration and illumination throughout this collection of daily readings. Faith and Culture: A Guide to a Culture Shaped by Faith translates the ideas of today's Christian thought leaders, delivering them in accessible portions that fit into anyone's busy schedule. Each chapter interacts with one of seven recurring themes: the Bible and theology, literature, history, contemporary culture, the arts, science and math, and philosophy. Along the way, Kullberg and Arrington explore significant ideas, people, and events from a distinctly Christian worldview. Some of the readings in this book include: "Thee Secret Gospels" (the Bible and theology), Slavery (history), "A Response to God's Beauty" (art), "Globalization" (contemporary culture), and more. Each day spent with this illuminating guide will inspire readers to wonder at the genius, power, and beauty of Jesus.
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  • Description
For those who want to love God with their hearts and minds, editors Kelly Monroe Kullberg and Lael Arrington weave together both inspiration and illumination throughout this collection of daily readings. Faith and Culture: A Guide to a Culture Shaped by Faith translates the ideas of today's Christian thought leaders, delivering them in accessible portions that fit into anyone's busy schedule. Each chapter interacts with one of seven recurring themes: the Bible and theology, literature, history, contemporary culture, the arts, science and math, and philosophy. Along the way, Kullberg and Arrington explore significant ideas, people, and events from a distinctly Christian worldview. Some of the readings in this book include: "Thee Secret Gospels" (the Bible and theology), Slavery (history), "A Response to God's Beauty" (art), "Globalization" (contemporary culture), and more. Each day spent with this illuminating guide will inspire readers to wonder at the genius, power, and beauty of Jesus.
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