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I Never Thought I'd See the Day!

Author Dr. David Jeremiah
Narrator Bob Walter
Runtime 10.1 Hrs
Publisher Hachette Book Group
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Oct 10, 2011

Is Western civilization in an accelerating decline? And if it continues will it eventually weaken and cause us to come to the end of cultured civilization as we now know it?

"Yes," says David Jeremiah, and in his audio book, I Never Thought I'd See The Day! he details numerous signs of this cultural decay including: America held hostage by Iran, Marriage becoming obsolete, Creeping socialism, The invisibility of culture's enemies, Increase in "spiritual warfare", America turning its back on Israel, Atheist attack on religion.

Can this downward spiral be reversed?

Yes, but only if one person at a time returns to God with our heart, our manner of life, our dedication to genuine worship of God, in serving God by helping others, in our giving, and in prayer."

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  • Description

Is Western civilization in an accelerating decline? And if it continues will it eventually weaken and cause us to come to the end of cultured civilization as we now know it?

"Yes," says David Jeremiah, and in his audio book, I Never Thought I'd See The Day! he details numerous signs of this cultural decay including: America held hostage by Iran, Marriage becoming obsolete, Creeping socialism, The invisibility of culture's enemies, Increase in "spiritual warfare", America turning its back on Israel, Atheist attack on religion.

Can this downward spiral be reversed?

Yes, but only if one person at a time returns to God with our heart, our manner of life, our dedication to genuine worship of God, in serving God by helping others, in our giving, and in prayer."

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