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If My Husband Would Change I’d Be Happy

Author Rhonda Stoppe
Narrator Rhonda Stoppe
Runtime 6.47 hours
Publisher christianaudio
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Jan 6, 2025
"Like most brides on their wedding day, you no doubt were filled with love for your husband and the hope of a happy life together. But perhaps today, as the realities of life together have settled in, those happy expectations are going unfulfilled. And it's tempting to think, ""If only my husband would change, I'd be happy." That myth is but one of many that Rhonda Stoppe dispels in her easy-to-follow exploration of what it takes to experience a truly happy marriage. In the process, she addresses such important topics as understanding your husband's need for your unconditional respect; rekindling the love that drew you to your husband in the first place; refusing to believe the lie that you'd be happier married to someone else; learning to be content in the midst of financial struggles; and thinking about sex from a biblical worldview. If you desire to rekindle the love and hope you felt on your wedding day, this book will go a long way toward making that dream come true. Contains discussion questions and personal reflections at the end of each chapter. "
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"Like most brides on their wedding day, you no doubt were filled with love for your husband and the hope of a happy life together. But perhaps today, as the realities of life together have settled in, those happy expectations are going unfulfilled. And it's tempting to think, ""If only my husband would change, I'd be happy." That myth is but one of many that Rhonda Stoppe dispels in her easy-to-follow exploration of what it takes to experience a truly happy marriage. In the process, she addresses such important topics as understanding your husband's need for your unconditional respect; rekindling the love that drew you to your husband in the first place; refusing to believe the lie that you'd be happier married to someone else; learning to be content in the midst of financial struggles; and thinking about sex from a biblical worldview. If you desire to rekindle the love and hope you felt on your wedding day, this book will go a long way toward making that dream come true. Contains discussion questions and personal reflections at the end of each chapter. "
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"Like most brides on their wedding day, you no doubt were filled with love for your husband and the hope of a happy life together. But perhaps today, as the realities of life together have settled in, those happy expectations are going unfulfilled. And it's tempting to think, ""If only my husband would change, I'd be happy." That myth is but one of many that Rhonda Stoppe dispels in her easy-to-follow exploration of what it takes to experience a truly happy marriage. In the process, she addresses such important topics as understanding your husband's need for your unconditional respect; rekindling the love that drew you to your husband in the first place; refusing to believe the lie that you'd be happier married to someone else; learning to be content in the midst of financial struggles; and thinking about sex from a biblical worldview. If you desire to rekindle the love and hope you felt on your wedding day, this book will go a long way toward making that dream come true. Contains discussion questions and personal reflections at the end of each chapter. "

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Subtitle And Other Myths Wives Believe
Release Date Jan 6, 2025
Allow purchase with credits Yes
Other Image /i/f/if_my_husband_would_ca.jpg
ISBN 9781545927960
Author Rhonda Stoppe
Narrator Rhonda Stoppe
Abridgment Unabridged
Run Time 6.47 hours
Audio Sample If My Husband Would CA Sample MP3
Audiobook Publisher christianaudio
Product Type Audiobook Download
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