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Leading From The Lockers

Author John C. Maxwell
Narrator Henry O. Arnold
Runtime 4.08 HRs.
Publisher Thomas Nelson
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Feb 13, 2023
Based on John Maxwell's best-selling title Developing the Leader Within You, Leading from the Lockers offers tweens the tools they need to develop as leaders before reaching high school or college. Leadership takes many forms, and today kids are assuming roles as leaders in school, on their sports teams, in church youth groups and as peer mentors. Leading from the Lockers covers the topics of influence, priorities, integrity, problem solving, self-discipline, and peer relationships.
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  • Description
Based on John Maxwell's best-selling title Developing the Leader Within You, Leading from the Lockers offers tweens the tools they need to develop as leaders before reaching high school or college. Leadership takes many forms, and today kids are assuming roles as leaders in school, on their sports teams, in church youth groups and as peer mentors. Leading from the Lockers covers the topics of influence, priorities, integrity, problem solving, self-discipline, and peer relationships.
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