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Life Is Mostly Edges

Author Calvin Miller
Narrator Wayne Campbell
Runtime 11.57 Hrs.
Publisher Thomas Nelson
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Jul 24, 2023
Bestselling author and poet Calvin Miller turns his hand to the most moving story of all, his own. The reader is taken through a myriad of experiences of a young man coming of age in mid-20th century America. Following his life into college, seminary, a small local church and eventually to a new life as an author and professor, the memoir touches on those points that make all of us uniquely human and intensely vulnerable.
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  • Description
Bestselling author and poet Calvin Miller turns his hand to the most moving story of all, his own. The reader is taken through a myriad of experiences of a young man coming of age in mid-20th century America. Following his life into college, seminary, a small local church and eventually to a new life as an author and professor, the memoir touches on those points that make all of us uniquely human and intensely vulnerable.
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