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Life Work: On the Christian Idea of Calling

Author Paul Marshal & Os Guinness
Narrator Paul Marshal, Os Guinness, & Ken Myers
Runtime 1 Hr. 3 Min.
Publisher Mars Hill Audio
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Apr 9, 2005
Paul Marshall, author of A Kind of Life Imposed on Man, discusses how society and the Church have understood work throughout history, and what positive ramifications we might expect to see if Christians began to understand their life at work as part of their life in Christ. Os Guinness, author of The Call, explains how vocation and identity have lost their theological moorings among Christians.
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  • Description
Paul Marshall, author of A Kind of Life Imposed on Man, discusses how society and the Church have understood work throughout history, and what positive ramifications we might expect to see if Christians began to understand their life at work as part of their life in Christ. Os Guinness, author of The Call, explains how vocation and identity have lost their theological moorings among Christians.
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