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Mars Hill Audio Journal, Volume 71

Author Mars Hill Audio
Narrator Ken Myers
Runtime 1.7 Hrs.
Publisher Mars Hill Audio
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Jun 4, 2014

Guests on Volume 71: Peter Augustine Lawler, on Luther, Locke, liberty, and the American Founding Fathers; David Koyzis, on the modern denial of objective meaning and the exaltation of individual will; Roger Lundin, on the incarnational vision of Czeslaw Milosz, and on his poetry of exile and modern boundlessness; Craig Gay, on how the nature of money affects our sense of attributing value to things; Steven Rhoads, on Taking Sex Differences Seriously(and why it's hard to do so); and R. Larry Todd, on the life and music of Felix Mendelssohn.

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  • Description

Guests on Volume 71: Peter Augustine Lawler, on Luther, Locke, liberty, and the American Founding Fathers; David Koyzis, on the modern denial of objective meaning and the exaltation of individual will; Roger Lundin, on the incarnational vision of Czeslaw Milosz, and on his poetry of exile and modern boundlessness; Craig Gay, on how the nature of money affects our sense of attributing value to things; Steven Rhoads, on Taking Sex Differences Seriously(and why it's hard to do so); and R. Larry Todd, on the life and music of Felix Mendelssohn.

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