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Preach the Word: The Message Hasn't Changed

Author Various
Narrator Various
Runtime Approx. 14 Hrs.
Publisher Harvest Resources
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Aug 31, 2009

This set features every message from the Preach the Word Conference with presentations from:

- Chuck Swindoll
- John MacArthur
- Bob Coy
- Alistair Begg
- James McDonald
- Jack Graham
- James Merritt
- Greg Laurie

In addition, the message set will include the question-and-answer session with John MacArthur, Chuck Swindoll, Jack Graham, James McDonald, and Greg Laurie.

This set is ideal for pastors, ministry leaders, and anyone who has an interest in teaching the Bible more effectively. And, it makes a great gift for pastors and leaders in the church!

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  • Description

This set features every message from the Preach the Word Conference with presentations from:

- Chuck Swindoll
- John MacArthur
- Bob Coy
- Alistair Begg
- James McDonald
- Jack Graham
- James Merritt
- Greg Laurie

In addition, the message set will include the question-and-answer session with John MacArthur, Chuck Swindoll, Jack Graham, James McDonald, and Greg Laurie.

This set is ideal for pastors, ministry leaders, and anyone who has an interest in teaching the Bible more effectively. And, it makes a great gift for pastors and leaders in the church!

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