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Renovare: The Kingdom Of God Teaching Series

Author Dallas Willard
Narrator Dallas Willard
Runtime 6.1 Hrs.
Publisher Renovare
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date May 4, 2006

Taped in 1990 at Hollywood Presbyterian Church, this eight-part set previews and elaborates on themes found in The Divine Conspiracy, The Spirit of the Disciplines, and others of Dallas Willard's writings. Especially helpful are the connections made between Jesus' teaching and our contemporary cultural setting.

There are seven presentations:
- "The Meaning of the Rule of Heaven"
- "Rule of Heaven in the Old Testament"
- "The Beatitudes as Gospel"
- "Beyond the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees"
- "The Power of The Word of the Kingdom"
- "How to Become a Disciple"
- "Disciplines for the Spiritual Life"

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  • Description

Taped in 1990 at Hollywood Presbyterian Church, this eight-part set previews and elaborates on themes found in The Divine Conspiracy, The Spirit of the Disciplines, and others of Dallas Willard's writings. Especially helpful are the connections made between Jesus' teaching and our contemporary cultural setting.

There are seven presentations:
- "The Meaning of the Rule of Heaven"
- "Rule of Heaven in the Old Testament"
- "The Beatitudes as Gospel"
- "Beyond the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees"
- "The Power of The Word of the Kingdom"
- "How to Become a Disciple"
- "Disciplines for the Spiritual Life"

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