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Signs of Life

Author Dr. David Jeremiah
Narrator Tommy Cresswell
Runtime 7.7 hours
Publisher Thomas Nelson
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Oct 10, 2022
Signs of Life will lead you on a journey to a fuller understanding of the marks that identify you as a Christian. Signs that will advertise your faith. Personal imprints that can impact souls for eternity and help you become a person of influence who radiates relevancy, authenticity, generosity, and compassion every day --- just like Jesus did.
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  • Description
Signs of Life will lead you on a journey to a fuller understanding of the marks that identify you as a Christian. Signs that will advertise your faith. Personal imprints that can impact souls for eternity and help you become a person of influence who radiates relevancy, authenticity, generosity, and compassion every day --- just like Jesus did.
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