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The Cup: Passion Edition

Author C.J. Mahaney
Narrator C.J. Mahaney
Runtime 1.06 Hrs.
Publisher Sovereign Grace Ministries
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Jul 20, 2010

What did it mean to the Holy One to bear away our sin?

Overhearing Jesus’ prayers within the garden of Gethsemane provides the answer: it meant resolving to endure God’s wrath for our sin through the crucible of human weakness.

C.J. Mahaney walks his audience through Gethsemane in an effort to reveal exactly what that crucible involved, beginning with relational abandonment. He encourages a heart of gratefulness in the recognition of all Jesus suffered for our salvation.

This edition was delivered at Covenant Life Church in response to the release of The Passion of the Christ.

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  • Description

What did it mean to the Holy One to bear away our sin?

Overhearing Jesus’ prayers within the garden of Gethsemane provides the answer: it meant resolving to endure God’s wrath for our sin through the crucible of human weakness.

C.J. Mahaney walks his audience through Gethsemane in an effort to reveal exactly what that crucible involved, beginning with relational abandonment. He encourages a heart of gratefulness in the recognition of all Jesus suffered for our salvation.

This edition was delivered at Covenant Life Church in response to the release of The Passion of the Christ.

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