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The Dark Side of Islam

Author R.C. Sproul
Narrator R.C. Sproul
Runtime 2 Hrs.
Publisher Ligonier Ministries
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Aug 19, 2013

In this interview, Dr. R.C. Sproul and Abdul Saleeb discuss the differences between Islam and Christianity. As Saleeb exposes the true teachings of Islam, he explains why fundamentalist Muslims are so aggressive in their attempt to wipe out all other religions. This interview is especially helpful for those who are witnessing to Muslims in their communities.

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  • Description

In this interview, Dr. R.C. Sproul and Abdul Saleeb discuss the differences between Islam and Christianity. As Saleeb exposes the true teachings of Islam, he explains why fundamentalist Muslims are so aggressive in their attempt to wipe out all other religions. This interview is especially helpful for those who are witnessing to Muslims in their communities.

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