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The DaVinci Code Decoded

Author Dr. Art Lindsley & Catherine Sanders
Narrator Dr. Art Lindsley & Catherine Sanders
Runtime 1 Hr.
Publisher CS Lewis Institute
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date May 14, 2006
Multiple months on best-sellers listsacross the country and translated into over 40 languages, Dan Brown's fictional work, The DaVinci Code, has captivated the attention of millions of readers - and unsettled the faith of not a few. In this seminar, Art Lindsley and Catherine Sanders reveal the historical inaccuracies and implausible contentions posed in the author's very engaging and skillful writing.
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  • Description
Multiple months on best-sellers listsacross the country and translated into over 40 languages, Dan Brown's fictional work, The DaVinci Code, has captivated the attention of millions of readers - and unsettled the faith of not a few. In this seminar, Art Lindsley and Catherine Sanders reveal the historical inaccuracies and implausible contentions posed in the author's very engaging and skillful writing.
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