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The Heart's Shelter

Author Amy Clipston
Narrator Lauren Berst
Runtime 8.40 Hrs.
Publisher Zondervan
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Feb 5, 2024
Kira has no interest in dating and putting down roots in Pennsylvania—that is, until she finds a kindred spirit in Jayden Bontrager. Kira Detweiler doesn’t plan to be in Lancaster County for long. She’s left her family in Indiana to help her aunt after the birth of her fourth boppli. Or at least that’s what she tells people. Deep down, she’s trying to escape the heartache of a broken engagement and has no plans to date again anytime soon. Jayden Bontrager watches his older brothers with admiration, and he prays that someday he’ll have the kind of life they do. Even so, he’s only twenty-three and not in a hurry to marry and start a family. He’s content to watch from the sidelines and is happy to see his brothers enjoying a close relationship once again. When Jayden and Kira strike up a friendship, they are each drawn to the other’s gentle and humble demeanor, and they feel things for one another unlike anything they’ve felt before. But Kira is torn between her heart and her home. She sees no point in pursuing a relationship with Jayden when she doesn’t plan to put down roots in Pennsylvania. The last thing she needs is another heartbreak. Will Jayden and Kira be able to overcome the obstacles in their path to find the future they both dream of? In this fourth and final book of the Amish Legacy Series, readers will find out if the youngest Bontrager brother will get his happily ever after.
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  • Description
Kira has no interest in dating and putting down roots in Pennsylvania—that is, until she finds a kindred spirit in Jayden Bontrager. Kira Detweiler doesn’t plan to be in Lancaster County for long. She’s left her family in Indiana to help her aunt after the birth of her fourth boppli. Or at least that’s what she tells people. Deep down, she’s trying to escape the heartache of a broken engagement and has no plans to date again anytime soon. Jayden Bontrager watches his older brothers with admiration, and he prays that someday he’ll have the kind of life they do. Even so, he’s only twenty-three and not in a hurry to marry and start a family. He’s content to watch from the sidelines and is happy to see his brothers enjoying a close relationship once again. When Jayden and Kira strike up a friendship, they are each drawn to the other’s gentle and humble demeanor, and they feel things for one another unlike anything they’ve felt before. But Kira is torn between her heart and her home. She sees no point in pursuing a relationship with Jayden when she doesn’t plan to put down roots in Pennsylvania. The last thing she needs is another heartbreak. Will Jayden and Kira be able to overcome the obstacles in their path to find the future they both dream of? In this fourth and final book of the Amish Legacy Series, readers will find out if the youngest Bontrager brother will get his happily ever after.
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