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The Holy Spirit in the Christian Life

Author Cheryl M Peterson
Narrator Kathleen Li
Runtime 6.5 Hours
Publisher christianaudio
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Mar 18, 2024
The Holy Spirit in the Christian Life offers a brief account of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, focusing specifically on the question of the person and work of the Spirit in the Christian life. Lutheran theologian Cheryl Peterson identifies three key movements of the Christian life, showing the Spirit's role in each: justification (God the Holy Spirit working for us), sanctification (God the Holy Spirit working in us), and mission (God the Holy Spirit working through us). Peterson explores scriptural and doctrinal perspectives on the person and work of the Holy Spirit-especially from churches with Reformation roots-in view of contemporary spiritual movements, including the spiritual-but-not-religious and the Pentecostal and charismatic movements. In addition, she explores the means of the Spirit's work through Word, sacrament, and spiritual gifts. This book offers a fresh look at the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the church today. It is ideal for seminarians and working pastors.
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  • Description
The Holy Spirit in the Christian Life offers a brief account of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, focusing specifically on the question of the person and work of the Spirit in the Christian life. Lutheran theologian Cheryl Peterson identifies three key movements of the Christian life, showing the Spirit's role in each: justification (God the Holy Spirit working for us), sanctification (God the Holy Spirit working in us), and mission (God the Holy Spirit working through us). Peterson explores scriptural and doctrinal perspectives on the person and work of the Holy Spirit-especially from churches with Reformation roots-in view of contemporary spiritual movements, including the spiritual-but-not-religious and the Pentecostal and charismatic movements. In addition, she explores the means of the Spirit's work through Word, sacrament, and spiritual gifts. This book offers a fresh look at the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the church today. It is ideal for seminarians and working pastors.
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