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The Main Thing Part Two

Author C.J. Mahaney
Narrator C.J. Mahaney
Runtime .98 Hrs.
Publisher Sovereign Grace Ministries
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Jul 20, 2010

How are Christians to keep the main thing the main thing? What does it mean to hold fast to the gospel?

C.J. Mahaney exhorts listeners to get close enough to the cross for its sparks to fall on them. He lists recommendations for a lifelong pursuit of the cross, including suggested Scripture memory, reflection on the gospels, study of Christ’s seven sayings while on the Cross, and more.

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  • Description

How are Christians to keep the main thing the main thing? What does it mean to hold fast to the gospel?

C.J. Mahaney exhorts listeners to get close enough to the cross for its sparks to fall on them. He lists recommendations for a lifelong pursuit of the cross, including suggested Scripture memory, reflection on the gospels, study of Christ’s seven sayings while on the Cross, and more.

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