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The Wisdom of God

Author A W Tozer
Narrator William Sarris
Runtime 4.4 hours
Publisher christianaudio
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date May 15, 2023
A. W. Tozer on Living in God's Wisdom We were created by God and for God, and the only way to find true joy, peace, and contentment is by understanding and embracing his wisdom. Wisdom is not some highbrow philosophical concept, but rather a highly practical tool for living the best possible life. The Wisdom of God captures Tozer's teaching on this topic as a way to understand the well-lived Christian life. God's wisdom is a part of his character, inseparable from his love and grace, and knowing this wisdom means drawing closer to him. It will change your decisions, attitudes, and relationships, setting you on the path to becoming all God wants you to be.
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  • Description
A. W. Tozer on Living in God's Wisdom We were created by God and for God, and the only way to find true joy, peace, and contentment is by understanding and embracing his wisdom. Wisdom is not some highbrow philosophical concept, but rather a highly practical tool for living the best possible life. The Wisdom of God captures Tozer's teaching on this topic as a way to understand the well-lived Christian life. God's wisdom is a part of his character, inseparable from his love and grace, and knowing this wisdom means drawing closer to him. It will change your decisions, attitudes, and relationships, setting you on the path to becoming all God wants you to be.
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