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The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Decked Out

Author Neta Jackson
Narrator Julie Rogers
Runtime 6.02 Hrs.
Publisher Thomas Nelson
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Jul 17, 2023
The Yada Yada Prayer Group is in trouble—and they’re having a hard time getting out. Jodi Baxter is feeling overwhelmed, to say the least. Every day it seems that more blessings, problems, and everything in between crop up among her Yada Yada sisters, and their prayer list is getting out of control. Not only are the Yada Yadas still recovering from the vicious racial attack on Mark, but Ruth and Ben’s midlife pregnancy takes a dangerous turn, Avis’s daughter and grandbaby show up unannounced, Florida’s artistic son gets caught tagging, and Uptown is talking about merging with New Morning into one racially mixed church—raising anxiety and stress to new levels. To top it all off, Jodi keeps saying yes—to everything. It’s getting harder to see God in the everyday rat race of life, especially in the face of exhaustion. With so many burdens resting on her circle of sisters, Jodi finds herself trapped by the good—and bad—habit of trying to fix everything and everyone. After lots (and lots) of failures, Jodi begins to learn that God can use anything, even the messes we make, to accomplish His good purposes. What will it take to help the Yada Yadas focus on God’s promises instead of getting caught by the lies we so easily believe?
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  • Description
The Yada Yada Prayer Group is in trouble—and they’re having a hard time getting out. Jodi Baxter is feeling overwhelmed, to say the least. Every day it seems that more blessings, problems, and everything in between crop up among her Yada Yada sisters, and their prayer list is getting out of control. Not only are the Yada Yadas still recovering from the vicious racial attack on Mark, but Ruth and Ben’s midlife pregnancy takes a dangerous turn, Avis’s daughter and grandbaby show up unannounced, Florida’s artistic son gets caught tagging, and Uptown is talking about merging with New Morning into one racially mixed church—raising anxiety and stress to new levels. To top it all off, Jodi keeps saying yes—to everything. It’s getting harder to see God in the everyday rat race of life, especially in the face of exhaustion. With so many burdens resting on her circle of sisters, Jodi finds herself trapped by the good—and bad—habit of trying to fix everything and everyone. After lots (and lots) of failures, Jodi begins to learn that God can use anything, even the messes we make, to accomplish His good purposes. What will it take to help the Yada Yadas focus on God’s promises instead of getting caught by the lies we so easily believe?
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