The Bible Study Source series provides a unique audio learning experience. Unlike a traditional audiobook's direct narration of a book's text, Twelve More Women of the Bible includes high-quality, live audio sessions from the authors that cover this important Bible-based topic. These sessions will reflect the ambiance of the unique recording locations, immersing the listener into the teaching. You will hear from Lisa Harper, Karen Ehman, Chrystal Evans Hurst, Margaret Feinberg, Bianca Juarez Olthoff, and Courtney Jospeh as they look at the spiritual lessons learned from twelve women in the Bible and what they mean for you today. You will learn about the successes and failures of such women as Debroah, Esther, Anna, Ruth, the Shulamite woman, the Proverbs 31 woman, Puah and Shiprah, and others to see how they drew near to God in the midst of trials, and learn how they overcame rejection and disappointment. Their stories will inspire you to persevere through difficult times and find joy in the hope that Jesus has provided.