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Uncovering Counterfeit Christianity Teaching Series

Author Chip Ingram
Narrator Chip Ingram
Runtime 2.35 Hrs.
Publisher Living on the Edge
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Feb 4, 2015
** Teaching Series **

What is authentic Christianity? Is there more to being a Christian than knowing a set of facts? Is it just an emotional feeling? How does a person know if he's truly in Christ? This series, from the book of James, helps each of us discover the biblical foundation of our faith and provides clear-cut tests for knowing if our faith is genuine.

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  • Description
** Teaching Series **

What is authentic Christianity? Is there more to being a Christian than knowing a set of facts? Is it just an emotional feeling? How does a person know if he's truly in Christ? This series, from the book of James, helps each of us discover the biblical foundation of our faith and provides clear-cut tests for knowing if our faith is genuine.

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