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What to Do on the Worst Day of your Life

Author Brian Zahnd
Narrator Kelly Ryan Dolan
Runtime 4.5 Hrs.
Publisher Oasis Audio
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date Jul 29, 2009
There is no question that times are tough. People are losing jobs, losing their homes, even losing their faith. In What to do on The Worst Day of Your Life, pastor and author Brian Zahnd looks into the life of David to bring readers strength in the hope that they can overcome. Nobody knew adversity like King David. He had a call and an anointing on his life, and yet he had to find strength from the Lord daily to keep from losing what was rightfully his. Because he didn't quit in the time of trouble, he fulfilled his destiny. You will be delighted at the way Pastor Zahnd uses David's story to present ten principles that will build hope and encouragement in your heart. Let the Holy Spirit establish these ten truths in your spirit. With these ten principles at work in your life, you can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat - even on the worst day of your life.
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  • Description
There is no question that times are tough. People are losing jobs, losing their homes, even losing their faith. In What to do on The Worst Day of Your Life, pastor and author Brian Zahnd looks into the life of David to bring readers strength in the hope that they can overcome. Nobody knew adversity like King David. He had a call and an anointing on his life, and yet he had to find strength from the Lord daily to keep from losing what was rightfully his. Because he didn't quit in the time of trouble, he fulfilled his destiny. You will be delighted at the way Pastor Zahnd uses David's story to present ten principles that will build hope and encouragement in your heart. Let the Holy Spirit establish these ten truths in your spirit. With these ten principles at work in your life, you can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat - even on the worst day of your life.
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