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When Christ Appears

Author Dr. David Jeremiah
Narrator Tom Parks
Runtime 4.68 Hrs.
Publisher christianaudio
Downloads ZIP MP3 M4B
Release Date May 8, 2018

Draws you into a cinematic experience as projected in the book of Revelation.

Have you ever wondered how the book of Revelation applies to your life? When Christ Appears brings clarity to one of the most misunderstood books of the Bible. The book of Revelation promises a special blessing for those who take the time to peer into the future with the apostle John. Readers learn that Christ triumphs. Satan loses. Sorrow, sickness, and death disappear. And God Himself wipes away the tears from every eye. When the heartache of this present world weighs heavily on us, we have only to look up and look ahead at the radiant end of one story and the joyous beginning of a new story that will never end.

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Draws you into a cinematic experience as projected in the book of Revelation.

Have you ever wondered how the book of Revelation applies to your life? When Christ Appears brings clarity to one of the most misunderstood books of the Bible. The book of Revelation promises a special blessing for those who take the time to peer into the future with the apostle John. Readers learn that Christ triumphs. Satan loses. Sorrow, sickness, and death disappear. And God Himself wipes away the tears from every eye. When the heartache of this present world weighs heavily on us, we have only to look up and look ahead at the radiant end of one story and the joyous beginning of a new story that will never end.

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